Collagen Microspheres

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Bead-like atelocollagen carrier for cell culture. Useful for culture of fibroblasts, epithelial cell and osteoblasts due to its ability to maintain cell functions.


  • High density cell culturing


  • Collagen microspheres create an in vitro-like environment as they are produced only from fibril-forming type I collagen.

This product is manufactured in Japan and produced from raw materials obtained from livestock certified born and raised in Australia or New Zealand. Japan, Australia and New Zealand are all recognized by the World Health Organization as having negligible risk for Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE). Nevertheless, please consult with your country's Customs office to confirm importability.


Bones, Teeth and Cartilage
microRNA-875-5p plays critical role for mesenchymal condensation in epithelial-mesenchymal interaction during tooth development. Funada K, Yoshizaki K, MIyazaki K, Han X, Yuta T, Tian T, Mizuta K, Fu Y, Iwamoto T, Yamada A, Takahashi I, Fukumoto S. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 18;10(1):4918. PMID: 32188878 Microspheres coated with PDGF-AA or BSA are placed in the center of the well, and the pulp from the edge of the well is removed. Assess cell migration.

Strategy for the Generation of Engineered Bone Constructs Based on Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Expanded with Human Platelet Lysate. Silva-Cote I, Cruz-Barrera M, Cañas-Arboleda M, Correa-Araujo L, Méndez L, Jagielska J, Camacho B, Salguero G. Stem Cells Int. 2019 Dec 1;2019:7198215. PMID: 31885622 Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are induced to differentiate into bone or blood vessels and then seeded into microspheres. Then, platelet-rich plasma is used to form a blood clot, which can be used in bone formation experiments or transplanted into bone defects.

Efficacy of bone regeneration using collagen microspheres as scaffold. Shunsuke Baba, Naoyuki Matsumoto, Yuki Kaneshita, Kaoru lnami, Hidetoshi Morikuni and Takayoshi Kawazoe. J Osaka Dent Univ. 2008. 42(1), 9-15. After seeding into microspheres and embedding in collagen gel, they were implanted under the periosteum of the skull. Mandibular reconstruction using a combination graft of rhBMP-2 with bone marrow cells expanded in vitro. Seto I, Marukawa E, Asahina I. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006 Mar;117(3):902-908. PMID: 16525283 osteoblasts Seed onto microspheres and culture with rotation. Then, seed each microsphere onto a sponge.

Propagation of human nasal chondrocytes in microcarrier spinner culture. Shikani AH, Fink DJ, Sohrabi A, Phan P, Polotsky A, Hungerford DS, Frondoza CG. Am J Rhinol. 2004 Mar-Apr;18(2):105-12. PMID : 15152876 Chondrocytes were seeded onto microspheres and cultured with rotation. The role of osteopontin on calcium oxalate crystal formation. Konya E, Umekawa T, Iguchi M, Kurita T. Eur Urol. 2003 May;43(5):564-71. PMID: 12706004 Osteopontin, fibronectin, and Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein Aggregation of CaOx was evaluated using fixed microspheres.

Collagen microcarrier spinner culture promotes osteoblast proliferation and synthesis of matrix proteins. Overstreet M, Sohrabi A, Polotsky A, Hungerford DS, Frondoza CG. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2003 May-Jun;39(5-6):228-34 PMID: 14613330 Osteoblasts were seeded onto microspheres and cultured with rotation. The effect of osteopontin immobilized collagen granules in the seed crystal method. Umekawa T, Iguchi M, Kurita T. Urol Res. 2001 Aug;29(4):282-6. PMID: 11585285 Osteopontin immobilized microspheres were prepared and CaOx Evaluate agglomeration.

Beta-1 integrin expression by human nasal chondrocytes in microcarrier spinner culture. Bouchet BY, Colón M, Polotsky A, Shikani AH, Hungerford DS, Frondoza CG. J Biomed Mater Res. 2000 Dec 15;52(4):716-24. PMID: 11033555 Chondrocytes were seeded onto microspheres and cultured with rotation. Human chondrocytes proliferate and produce matrix components in microcarrier suspension culture. Frondoza C, Sohrabi A, Hungerford D. Biomaterials. 1996 May;17(9):879-88. PMID: 8718933 Chondrocytes were seeded onto microspheres and cultured in rotation.

Comparative histological studies of bone and cartilage formations induced by various BMP-carrier composites.:Comparative histological studies of bone and cartilage formations induced by various BMP-carrier composites. Liliana Missana, Noriyuki Nagai and Yoshinori Kuboki Japanese Association for Oral Biology 36(1) , 9-19, 1994 BMP was bound to microspheres or freeze-dried microspheres and implanted subcutaneously in rats. Cross-linked collagen gel spheres as a useful carrier for cell culture of MC 3T3-E1 clonal osteogenic cells. Morimichi Mizuno, Tomoyo Kasagi, Yoshinori Kuboki. Japanese J. Oral Biol. 1988 30(6): 855-8.Osteoblasts Seed into microspheres and culture on static soil.

Accelerated vascularization of a novel collagen hydrogel dermal template. Weisel A, Cohen R, Spector JA, Sapir-Lekhovitser Y. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2022 Dec;16(12):1173-1183. PMID: 36219532. Contains microspheres Collagen gel was created and transplanted into a full-thickness skin defect model rat.

Selective Proliferation of Highly Functional Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Microgravity Culture with Stirred Microspheres. Mashiko T, Kanayama K, Saito N, Shirado T, Asahi R, Mori M, Yoshimura K. Cells. 2021 Mar 4;10(3):560 PMID: 33806638Adipose- derived mesenchymal stem cells are seeded onto microspheres and cultured in rotation or statically.

Type I collagen can function as a reservoir of basic fibroblast growth factor. Kanematsu A, Marui A, Yamamoto S, Ozeki M, Hirano Y, Yamamoto M, Ogawa O, Komeda M, Tabata Y. J Control Release. 2004 Sep 30;99 (2):281-92. PMID: 15380637 Microsponges were prepared by freeze-drying microspheres and used for sustained release of bFGF.

Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor promotes colonization, vascularization, and growth of transplanted hepatic t issues in the mouse. Ajioka I, Akaike T, Watanabe Y. Hepatology. 1999 Feb;29(2):396-402. PMID: 9918915Hepatocytes seeded on Cytodex or microspheres and transplanted into the peritoneal cavity of a mouse.

Correlation between cell-adherent activity and surface structure in Porphyromonas gingivalis. Watanabe K, Yamaji Y, Umemoto T. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 1992 Dec;7(6):357-63. PMID: 1363734Gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament fibroblasts Cells and epithelial cells are seeded onto microspheres and cultured.

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Datasheet Collagen Microspheres Datasheet
Vendor Page Collagen Microspheres